Hi there. Russell Smith here.
One of the most important runoff elections will occur soon. It is the Tom Green County Judge election that will provide leadership during what may be tough times. While I was a Justice of the Peace I learned the County Judge position is not just a political position but rather a very complicated full time job that involves managing the commissioners’ court, the county budget and a large number of employees; he also becomes an actual Judge hearing probate cases and other matters while administering mental health cases and issues most regular folks never hear about; and there is a vast array of other duties required to properly manage Tom Green County.
We have been fortunate to have two talented Judges (Judge Mike Brown and Judge Steve Floyd who is retiring at years end). I have visited with several people who are knowledgeable about the leadership and management qualities needed for such a position.
I will be voting for Todd Kolls to become our next Tom Green County Judge.
Wish you the best,
Dear Tom Green County voter,
I am writing because many people have asked who I support to be our next Tom Green County Judge, and why.
I highly recommend voting for Todd Kolls. I encouraged him to run, and I remain convinced he is the person you need to elect.
Our next Judge will face many of the same things I did, but in a world changed by COVID and a State weighed down by more liberal influence emanating out of Austin.
To be effective, he has to have the discernment to recognize when and where he can actually improve things for the people of Tom Green County. He will need the discipline to spend his time and energy working on the county needs at hand rather than prioritizing his own agenda. And it’s so important that he possesses the disposition it takes to stay calm and keep listening to all sides in the frequent circumstances where there are many different points of view.
In all aspects of this job, cooler heads prevail.
I firmly believe that Todd has all these qualities. Todd has an even temperament, he thinks more than he talks and he understands that the office of Tom Green County Judge is not about him. It’s about you.
Michael D (Mike) Brown,
Tom Green County Judge, Retired
Dear editor,
I am supporting Todd Kolls for County Judge.
Todd is a respected member of our city and Tom Green County. The County Judge has an enormous responsibility to serve as one of our key ambassadors to Austin, Washington DC, and area county governments. As Judge, Todd would be required to advocate our interests in important matters that impact our community.
One of Todd’s strengths is his deliberate way of studying and solving problems; he listens and learns before he acts. Todd will be an excellent representative while working with all departments within the county.
Please join me in voting for Todd Kolls, a conservative Christian, husband and father, for Tom Green County Judge.
Mike Boyd
Dear Editor,
I am asking voters to join me in supporting Todd Kolls for Tom Green County Judge!
Todd has proven to be studious in learning the responsibilities of the position, and he has listened to those who have served in that capacity before him. He has pledged to take a business approach to managing the County budget, as well as working on behalf of the county employees and commissioners. His calm demeanor and conservative principles will serve our citizens well.
Please mark your ballot for Todd Kolls as Tom Green County Judge.
Larry Garvin
We are collectively writing this to show our support for Todd Kolls for Tom Green County Judge.
We have all known Todd for a number of years and know him to be a leader with a strong moral compass and advocate for growth in Tom Green County. We have no doubt that Todd will show patience and effectively guide our county moving forward.
As attorneys, we understand the importance our county administration has over the day to day operations of the justice system. We trust that Todd is the leader for that role.
-Michael Deadman, Liz Wardlaw Albert, Wes Geisecke, Brian Raymond
Local businessman Todd Kolls has announced his intent to run for Tom Green County Judge, rather than Commissioner.
“Over the course of the past year, as I have been exploring a run for the Commissioners’ Court, numerous people have encouraged me to run for County Judge, as Judge Floyd has made it clear he is retiring. I was reluctant to do that.” says Kolls. “However, many people whose opinions I respect a great deal have continued to be very adamant, and after a lot of prayerful consideration and discussion with my wife and family, I have decided that if this is how I can best help, I will seek the nomination for County Judge in the 2022 Republican primary.”
My reasoning hasn’t changed much. I believe Tom Green county has opportunity for growth and improvement. Over promise and inactivity has stifled some of our precincts. I look forward to working with the commissioners and sharing my business experience and conservative point of view. I also look forward to working with the county employees and advancing their goals for their careers. I’ll bring new ideas and a fresh perspective. I have faith that Tom Green County can continue to serve and improve without an increase in taxes but only if we have a strong and unified commissioners’ court.
Kolls is a 1998 Graduate of Central High School and Earned his Graduate Gemologist Degree from the Gemological Institute of America. For the past 5 years he served on the City of San Angelo Development Corporation Board of Directors, serving as its President for the past two. He was initially appointed to the Board in 2016 by Mayor Dwaine Morrison and reappointed by Mayor Brenda Gunter in 2019. His years working on that board will be a great asset while working for the County. “Being directly involved with the collection and allocation of those tax revenues has prepared me to be a responsible and insightful steward of the county’s budget.” he says.
Kolls also serves as a director and board member of the San Angelo Stock Show and Rodeo Association as well as the Premium Sale committee. He has previous service on the boards of Angelo Civic Theatre, the Better Business Bureau, Helping Hands, and the YMCA.
He and wife Christine married in 2005 and have three children: Caroline, Jack, and Kelton.
He is a member and deacon of Southland Baptist Church and coaches Little League Baseball.